The Panel

Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel scrutinises and supports the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.  The Panel is made of up of members nominated by the four councils in the force area: Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys; and at least two independent members. Carmarthenshire County Council is the lead authority for the Panel.

What we do

The Panel replaces the former Police Authority and has a number of powers and responsibilities including:

  • Review the Commissioner’s police and crime plan
  • Review the Commissioner’s annual draft budget, with the power to veto the level of precept.
  • Deal with complaints against the Commissioner or his deputy.
  • Scrutinise decisions and actions taken by the Commissioner
  • Review the appointment or removal of the Chief Constable
  • Support the work of the Commissioner
  • Make reports or recommendations to the Commissioner
  • Review the Commissioner’s conduct

The Panel cannot scrutinise Dyfed Powys Police Force or its work.

For more information on Police and Crime Panels visit the Home Office website.

Chairman's annual report 2023-24

Chairman's Annual Report 2022-2023

Panel expenditure 2020-21

Meet our panel members

Have your say...

We welcome your views and are happy to consider any questions submitted to us at our next meeting. Please remember – it must be related to the work of the Panel for them to consider it. Email us

Individual Panel members can also be contacted directly.