Question the Police Commissioner

Want to know what the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel does? Like to ask the Commissioner a question?

Questions can be submitted on any issue relating to the Commissioner’s role such as the force budget, the police estate and how he monitors the work of the Chief Constable.

Panel members will then put the questions to the Commissioner, Dafydd Llywelyn, at their next available meeting.

Panel members can also submit their own questions to be put to Mr Llywelyn, who attends all the meetings.

All questions will be publicised on the agenda which is available around five days before the meeting takes place.

The Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel was set up to challenge and scrutinise the work of the Commissioner.

It is made up of 14 members – three from each of the four local authorities in the Dyfed Powys area, and two co-opted independent members.

Panel Chair Professor Ian Roffe said: “It is our role to scrutinise the Police and Crime Commissioner and we are happy to present the views of the public or any queries they may have.”

Questions can be submitted online, or submitting them in writing to  at least 10 days before the next meeting of the Panel.

Have your say...

We welcome your views and are happy to consider any questions submitted to us at our next meeting. Please remember – it must be related to the work of the Panel for them to consider it. Email us

Individual Panel members can also be contacted directly.